What is Mindfulness?
Why Mindfulness at Work?
According to the health guidelines, burnout is categorized by the following symptoms:
- Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion
- Increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job
- Reduced professional efficacy
In an organizational setting, Mindfulness allows us to experience less stress, be more present and focused, gain greater clarity, have more constructive conversations and connect better with others in order to collaborate and innovate.
The Science
Once believed to be just a “woo-woo,” feel-good luxury, Mindfulness meditation is now seen as a business necessity. It has been scientifically proven that the practice of meditation changes the brain structure which leads to positive changes in behavior which leads to great business outcome.
Organizations that have implemented Mindfulness programs in their workplaces have experienced some or all of the following:
- Increases focused attention- improves concentration, fully present in the tasks and conversations
- Improved relationships at work
- Less emotional reactivity (lashing out or shutting down)
- Reduced stress and associated costs (absenteeism, turnover, mistakes)
- Increase in Emotional Intelligence — the ability to be aware of and manage one’s own emotions and recognize and respond appropriately to the emotions of others
- Improved Productivity — increased engagement, better attendance, less turnover
- Greater creativity, innovation — greater collaboration, openness to new ideas, flexible thinking
- More collaborative culture
- Better decision making — greater clarity, access to intuition, decisions not made coming from fear and anxiety
ROI of Mindfulness Programs
The Return On Investment (“ROI”) of the regular practice of meditation leads to a rise in employee engagement which translates to better productivity at work and increased profits for organizations.
Why Does this Happen?
People with a regular meditation practice are able to:
- Listen more deeply to clients and colleagues in order to build trust and address issues
- Bounce back from mistakes more quickly in order to continue to make progress
- Make fewer mistakes
- Forge stronger relationships
- Stay focused on tasks
- Respond to stressful situations with greater equanimity
- Adapt more easily to change
- Self-regulate
- Show empathy and compassion
Why Now?
Now What?
Mindfulness Offerings
For Individuals
Mindfulness for Everyday Life (Open Enrollment Sessions)
Mondays at noon (ET) for 30 minutes – all levels of meditators welcome.
Sessions include a short talk, a meditation practice, and an opportunity to share and ask questions.
For Organizations
1-on-1 Mindfulness Coaching
Mindfulness Coach-on-Call
Introduction to Mindfulness at Work
Six week program to introduce participants to the art and science of mindfulness and its application to work, and to help them develop a regular Mindfulness practice that they can sustain on their own.